Cross Point Fellowship was blessed to get our start at Coleman High School! In the ten years that we met at Coleman, we led almost 100 people to faith in Christ, ministered to 100’s of others, planted one church from CPF, sponsored and supported 3 other church plants and helped ignite a church planting movement here in the Mid-Hudson Valley! God worked powerfully in us and through us! However, our growth and impact was limited for many years due to the nature and size of that space. We desperately needed bigger, more accessible and affordable space. 459 Hurley Ave provided all of that! With 14,150 square feet of ground level square feet, 459 Hurley Avenue, tripled our space, addressed all our accessibility issues and significantly improved our visibility! The building was offered to us at less than half the original listing price and private financing was made available to enable us to purchase and renovate the space!
We experienced God’s favor and blessing every step of the way. The reduced price, private financing, the Town Planning Board’s fast and unanimous approval, the positive building inspection, the clean Environmental Inspections, unanimous CPF approval and more were all evidence of God’s grace and favor!
Praise God for this opportunity to GROW and advance in our mission, "To reach our community and impact the world for Christ!” Thanks to all of those who gave, sacrificed and served to make this possible. It is our prayer that we will continue to grow spiritually, grow in numbers, increase our reach and increase our impact - all In His Strength and For His Glory!
Phone: 845.332.0240Email: moc.yntniopssorc%40eciffofpcPhysical Address:459 Hurley Avenue, Hurley, NY 12443 Mailing Address: PO Box 539, Hurley, NY 12443
Sunday at 8:30 am and 10:30 am
Sunday at 10:30 am on Facebook live
Click for Facebook videos of past services.
Click for YouTube videos of past services.
Phone: 845.332.0240Email: moc.yntniopssorc%40eciffofpcPhysical Address:459 Hurley Avenue, Hurley, NY 12443 Mailing Address: PO Box 539, Hurley, NY 12443
Sunday at 8:30 am and 10:30 am
Sunday at 10:30 am on Facebook live
Click for Facebook videos of past services.
Click for YouTube videos of past services.